
Get What (Practically) No One Else Can Have

I came across a web site today that offers unique pieces from up and comers at great prices...

Finding something "special" only to see it on someone else stinks!! Thats whats so cool about the site It features professional designers who make only a certain # of the item they are showcasing. For example, there are only 55 sunrise clutches (in picture 1 above), 30 of the malachite pyramid necklaces (picture 2), and 45 of the earhart carry case (picture 3).

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  1. Love those pieces..they are fabulous!! And I agree, having the same as everyone else stinks..I like unique pieces!! Will have a look at the website for sure. Have a super weekend doll xx

  2. Oooh, how fun is this! Thank you for sharing, and for your sweet comment on my recent blog post! :)

  3. What a cool site, thanks for sharing!
    xo K


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