
My Style Formula B4 the Baby Formula

I wanted to look natural and feminine for my baby shower a couple weeks ago (when I get the pictures I'll post them). So I had a little "formula" in my head for how to achieve my look:

#1 Girly pastel make-up (these images are from Anna Sui's 2012 collection...aren't they beautiful?)
#2 A long sleeve lace dress (short enough to show some leg--thats the only feature I'm willing to showcase during this pregnancy).

1 2 3

#3 A fun chunky short necklace (one that wont take away from the delicate nature of the dress, but still adds some oopmh)

1 2 3

I ended up wearing a cream lace dress like the first one pictured. Overall I was pretty happy with my look. I figure I better have fun dressing up as much as possible now because soon all my clothes will be covered in baby puke!!!

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  1. Very excited about the pastel amkeup. And also these gorgeous necklaces.

  2. Oh, I like your formula and from what I have seen I AM CERTAIN you looked spectacular - looking forward to seeing the pretty mom pictures at the baby shower-

  3. I bet you looked like the chicest mommy-to-be out there - what a pretty combo!

  4. I cannot wait to see what you ended up your formula!

  5. I love your description of the outfit. The pretty pastel colors worked very well for such an occasion, I'm sure.
    Twitter: @GlamKitten88

  6. A lace dress and a chunky necklace sounds perfect to me! I am a new follower.

    Enter my Leuer earring giveaway:

  7. Love it. Can't wait to see pictures. Enjoy your weekend.

  8. u can still be fashionable once that lil baby comes =] they really dont puke as much as people say


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