
I Know EXACTLY What He's Trying to Tell Me

I know what Preston (aka handsome little dog) is trying to tell me with his eyes. In fact, he's been dropping these hints left and right lately:
  1. When I eat, he's been trying to snatch some food from me.
  2. He's been using my stomach as a pillow.
  3. He's been giving me scrutinizing looks like the one above.

He's saying "Isn't it time for a larger size?"
He's absolutely right!! This dress, along with some of my other dresses, is pulling at the pockets...a clear sign that its time to set it aside and move on! I had hoped that maybe the long cardigan would cover this up, but it sadly, did not. 

Lucky for me, it did fit a couple weeks ago when I wore it to my NYC baby shower. Unfortunately I wasnt thinking too much about blogging and didnt take a full outfit picture. But I do have a few fun ones to share:

                                           *Yes, my eyes are ALWAYS closed in action shots, I must blink a lot!

The shower was so fun but sadly, I'll be retiring the tunic.  The good news is that it was only $38.50 and its still available online;)

Click to Buy My Dress

Oh, and one more thing, I'm wearing Gleam lipgloss in the first picture in Up Against the Wall. 

If you haven't yet entered to win it and the other gorgeous shade, make sure to do it HERE!!

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  1. No,I think the dog is just looking at you lovingly ... and hoping for a treat. :D

  2. Ohhh Mimi, I had a dog just like Preston. He's so cute. I had a girl and her name was Bunny. They can really give you some looks. You look fabulous. I love that top!

  3. LOL. I'm sure your puppy just wants food in his tummy. They are all so hungry all the time.

  4. the color of the tunique is so nice, it looks great on you!
    you will be able to wear it again soon, I'm sure!
    xxx Anita

  5. I just think he's wondering what you're smuggling in your belly! Imagine his surprise when you come home with a baby! I love the shot of your hands on your belly today - your mani looks great next to the color of the dress, ha.

  6. Just wait till he sees what is going to come out of that belly! You knew eventually the clothes were gong to stop fitting!

  7. Lovely dress dear (:
    The colour suits on you!

  8. Hahaha! Mimi, you're hilarious! And that green - what kind of green is that? - looks fabulous on you. You are glowing, pregnancy definitely agrees with you!

    Visit me:
    LeeAnne, Style N Season

  9. You look amazing. The green color looks great on you!!

  10. such a beautiful dress!!! love the color!!! you look gorgeous! :D

  11. That color looks just beautiful on you!!! You look fantastic! Glad you had a fun baby exciting!!!

    Liesl :)


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