
Flower Girl

Spring is among us Californians... when I was living in New York around this time of year, I remember drooling over all the spring clothes I probably wouldn't get to wear until May. I ADORE this blazer. It was a bit chilly out when I wore this but under a jacket, the lapel of the blazer actually looked like a scarf. 

The necklace I am wearing is one of my own designs. I am not willing to part with it until I make a couple more. However, I've found an inexpensive necklace of a similar color scheme to tide you guys over (since I'm sure its gonna be very tough for all of you to wait it out...haha). You can find that and the blazer in the collage below:

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  1. Wonderful ,love the Flower Print :)


  2. Love how you paired this blazer. I want one now! ;)

    xo, tasha
    twenty-something blog

  3. I'm super in love with your floral jacket sweetie, it' s so cute!


  4. Such a pretty blazer! I live in Jersey and it will definitely be a loooong time before I can wear spring clothes!

    The Tiny Heart

  5. I am the hugest collector of blazers and absolutely love this one, the print is very pretty and it will work with many different looks, great outfit!


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