
Getting Ready for New Years Eve

New Years Eve is such a fun night for dressing up, and since I'm on vacation, I played around on my computer by the pool....

The outfits below are a product of my pool day, and represent what I would wear if I were in New York for the celebration. I'm happy that I wont be though, because its FREEZING there and I am enjoying amazing weather where I'm at;)

Pink, and romantic, or....something a little different.....

Honestly, who am I trying to kid here?!! 

As much as I love the first outfit, black, gold, and grays, almost always trump pink in my closet (do I even have pink in my closet?). Since I don't usually wear much color, I do like to add some hints of it in my accessories.

I adore the peacock hair clip, and think it would make the outfit even more festive AND I think the blue with all the black and gold is super unexpected....

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  1. I LOVE the sparkly gray dress! I think I would definitely go with the blue/black/gray over the pink....these collages are so fun! Happy New Year!

  2. Thanks so much for your comment!

    The first outfit is cute but I agree, the second one is more 'me' as well since I don't have an pink items! The earrings are really gorgeous!

    Btw.. do you have a Twitter account?! Happy New Year xx

  3. Both outfits are so great! I just bought a Peacock feather headband and love it! It really adds color to a neutral outfit. Enjoy your trip and Happy New Year! XxoXxo

  4. I agree with you. I think the second outfit is stunning!

  5. I hear ya. I love the first outfit too but black dominates my wardrobe. Perhaps 2011 is the year of the pink?

    Happy New Year, New Follower

  6. I really love the pink and romantic look, which surprises me because I usually go for muted colors, especially black. Great choices. :)


  7. Love these outfits! That ring in the bottom one is amaaaazing.

  8. I don't usually wear pink,but I like this outfit as much as 2nd one:)



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